Action plan for the Lady’s slipper

The Science for Nature Association has started the implementation of the project “Preparation of an action plan for population protection of Lady’s slipper (Cypripedium calceolus) for the period 2019-2028” under Contract № BG16M1OP002-3.020-0057-C01.

The project is in implementation of the Thematic Objective 6 of the European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund: “Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency”.

The project is funded by the Operational Programme “Environment 2014-2020” (OPE 2014 – 2020) of the European Union, NATURA 2000 and Biodiversity Priority Axis under the procedure “Preparation / updating of action plans for species”. The grant amounts to 99 999.64 BGN, of which 15% (14 999.95 BGN) national and 85% (84 999.69 BGN) European co-financing.

The project includes preparation of an action plan for protection of the populations of Lady’s slipper (Cypripedium calceolus). Extensive discussion of the plan with the stakeholders is planned by holding 1 public discussion. The total duration is 44 months.

The project implementation includes analysis of the available information for determining restoration, maintenance, and other conservation measures for the target species of the Natura 2000 network for a period of 10 years. The whole available information collected in the country and the approved by the MOEW “Assignment for the development of the action plan for the protection of the populations of Lady’s slipper (Cypripedium calceolus) in Bulgaria” will be used for the plan preparation. The action plan will be developed in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 5 of 1 August 2003.

The project is in implementation of measure 20 of the National Prioritised Action Framework (NPAF) for Natura 2000 Bulgaria and will contribute to the support of the populations of the target species.

Photo: Cypripedium calceolus, Algirdas